Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Week 2

t's great having visitors, but I often feel guilty because all hostess behavior is out of the question. And though I have housekeeping help, everything is out of place!  Anything that has a home in my office, is just pilling up in my office because I cannot exactly put into words where it is supposed to go.  I feel like an invitation to my place reads something like this: "You are cordially invited to sit in a dirty house with a pregnant shut-in whose hair is a disaster and roots are growing in at an alarming rate."  Speaking of beauty rituals, you'd think with all this down time, I'd have flawless looking skin, but my beauty habits seem to have dropped off the face of the earth along with showering!

But all in all, this isn't so terrible. I've got my laptop and can work from bed, I've got my phone to play endless games.  I go through my address book and catch up with old friends. But a day of reckoning is coming. "I give you three weeks," says one friend. "By then, you'll start to go insane."

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