Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Visited the Zoo Today

To photograph some "wild" animals for the nursery since our theme is "T is for Tiger".  Instead of buying cutsie paintings of animals, I decided to personalize it by using my own photographs.  These are just my favorites from today, I'm going back through my archives to pull other animals photographs.  So, what do you think?

My Favorite!!


Anonymous said...

I love this idea. These are wonderful. Can't get much more individual than this.

Mags said...

Brilliant!!! Gonna put any on the ceiling for the little guy? :)

Jeff Gross said...

Very nice!!

hatfield02 said...

Are you a professional photographer or something? Beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Wow---fantastic pictures!! I especially love the one of the lion sleeping, it's perfect for a nursery!

Andie H said...

You forgot them.

Holly Gross said...

I didnt forget the Giraffes, they were just too far away.. I have some great photos of them from different zoo trip