Wednesday, November 19, 2008

December is the lucky month!

We're just not sure what the lucky day will be.  Will I be able to hold out till my original due date or will he decide to come out early?  So you may be wondering what the plan is.  I had a doctors appointment yesterday and according to Dr Hunt I will be on my meds and bed rest until December 1st.  Then I go see her on the 1st, go off my meds, off bed rest, and we wait to see what the little guy wants to do.  She thinks I'll deliver within the week, I just hope it's not on my birthday!  Currently I am 34 weeks, and by the 1st I'll be 36 weeks which was my target holding week :)  So who is betting on the due date?  I want to hear guesses!!


Mike Gross said...

I'm betting on the 3rd. It might be really really early in the morning, but that's my prediction. :)

SallyBird72 said...

I am thinking the 4th...although the little guy arriving on your actual birthday would always give you a "birth"day present that you would remember... :) Glad he is hanging out for a little while longer. Hugs to you both, Sarah

Anonymous said...

NO! Chris said...
Well, I am going to snatch up the 2nd. 24+ hrs for the meds to wear off and bing, turkey is done!

Carol Gross said...

This grandma says "no sooner than Dec. 2nd at 7:58 p.m." (that's when my plane is scheduled to land in Phoenix!). I know that's not a guess, but my official guess is he will come when he's good and ready, I have a feeling (knowing his parents) that he already has a mind of his own!

Anonymous said...

Put me down for Dec. 7, around 2-3 a.m.. This is so exciting!

Carol Gross said...

You know you should never have started a pool without a prize.....oh, I guess there is a prize, but you get to keep him!

Holly Gross said...

There's only 7 hours left on the 2nd Chris... you're running out of time!

Anonymous said...

Not much time left on the 7th - let's get with the program! :)
luv ya - vw

Holly Gross said...

Looks like everyone here has lost! I just have one person left who claimed the 10th! We shall see!!