Friday, September 7, 2012

4 days and counting

Yes, I realized I never wrote about week 7... it's probably because I was screaming inside and didn't want to frighten anyone.  With only 4 days left of my confinement, I am really excited.  But knowing how much my back hurts and how exhausted I get after doing the littlest of things, i'm not sure I'm looking forward to my freedom.  Currently, I am 34 weeks & 5 days.  And yes, Im TOTALLY ready for our little kangaroo!  I am super excited to meet her, though I am enjoying the fact that I sleep at night, even just a 2 minute bathroom trip.  Neither Mike or I are sure we are ready for the up all night feedings.  Guess we're just going to have to live with it.  Unless we can talk Carter into it!

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